Class 5 Syllabus for English Olympiad is based on the following sections.
These sections are based on the topics like what is sentence, Noun and its kinds, number, gender, Pronoun and Its Kinds, Letter and Application Writing, Story Writing, Verbs and Tense, Reported Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Modals, Adjective, Articles, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing and Comprehension.
- The Sentence
- The Noun and its Kinds
- The Noun Number
- The Noun Gender
- Pronoun and its kinds
- Verb and Tense
- Reported Speech
- Active and Passive Voice
- Modals
- Adjective
- Articles
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Conjunction
- Letter and Application writing
- Story writing
- Paragraph Writing
- Essay Writing
- Comprehension