- Social Science Olympiad

Class 8 Syllabus for English Olympiad 2023

Class 8 Helpistan English Olympiad will be based on the topics including sentences, Conjunctions, order of words, Interjection, Subject and Predicate, Articles, Noun and their kinds, Punctuation and Capital letters, Pronoun, Active and Passive voice, Verbs, Direct and Indirect, Adjective, Comprehension, Adverb, Story Writing, Tense, Letter Writing, Preposition and Essay writing.

  1. The Sentence
  2. Order of Words
  3. Subject and Predicate
  4. The Noun
  5. The Pronoun
  6. The Verb
  7. The Adjective
  8. The Adverb
  9. The Tense
  10. The Preposition
  11. Conjunctions
  12. Interjections
  13. The Article
  14. Punctuation and Capital Letters
  15. Active and Passive Voice
  16. Direct and Indirect Speech
  17. Comprehension
  18. Story Writing
  19. Letter Writing
  20. Essay Writing

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