Class 8 Helpistan English Olympiad will be based on the topics including sentences, Conjunctions, order of words, Interjection, Subject and Predicate, Articles, Noun and their kinds, Punctuation and Capital letters, Pronoun, Active and Passive voice, Verbs, Direct and Indirect, Adjective, Comprehension, Adverb, Story Writing, Tense, Letter Writing, Preposition and Essay writing.
- The Sentence
- Order of Words
- Subject and Predicate
- The Noun
- The Pronoun
- The Verb
- The Adjective
- The Adverb
- The Tense
- The Preposition
- Conjunctions
- Interjections
- The Article
- Punctuation and Capital Letters
- Active and Passive Voice
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Comprehension
- Story Writing
- Letter Writing
- Essay Writing